Myth II: Soulblighter v1.6

Note: The latest update to Myth II can be obtained here.
This page remains here for historical purposes only.
Myth II version 1.6 is a bugfix & enhancement update, correcting some annoying errors that slipped through the testing in 1.5.1 and adding a few new features and some modernization of the engine. 1.6 plays almost identical to 1.5.1. In fact it has a 1.5.1 compatibility mode, which is used when a 1.5.1 player is in a multiplayer game.
Version 1.6 is the first release to have native OS X Universal app along with OS X native map making tools.
The most significant changes are a modernization of the windows graphics code to allow Myth to be displayed in a window along with an option to share the CPU with other tasks when used under OS X or Windows, Myth also renders the screen at the FPS being displayed rather then the internal 30 FPS cap in previous versions.
A comprehensive list of everything changed in this update can be found here.
If you're a map maker, be sure to check out the latest guides for the updated Fear & Loathing.
Three interface plugins to use with Myth II 1.6's Interface Switcher, can be found at The Tain.
Windows Installer (12.1MB)
Mac OS X Manual Install (22.4MB)
Mac OS 9 Manual Install (16.5MB)
Myth II v1.6 Credits
David Bregman, Windows Programming
Paul Bucher, Programming & Team Leader
Andrew Sumner, TFL Programming
Alexei Svitkine, Programming
A special thanks to Graydon for the OS X Fear & Loathing icons