This Plug-In takes advantage of the many enhancements in the 1.4 versions of myth 2: soulblighter. Boats were not possible before Patch 1.4 as they would get stuck on land when pushed to close to it by another unit. They wouldnt leave ripples in the water either,now they do. With Patch 1.4 I was able to create mellee attacks that worked when you want them to work meaning if you fell like stabbing an enemy instead of shooting at them simply shift/ctrl click on them and your unit will do some mean mellee on them enemies, some may even run to attack. Before Patch 1.4 the ability to play solo levels using a unit plug-in through "NEW GAME" wasnt possible, now it is. So download and enjoy...or dont...either way, Ive had a blast making it and testing it along the way. So here it is...