Myth II: Soulblighter v1.8.1

Note: The latest update to Myth II can be obtained here.
This page remains here for historical purposes only.
Myth II version 1.8.1 is the latest instalment in Project Magma's series of updates to Myth II. This release is an incremental update, bringing new OS compatibility, additional polishing and bugfixing, plus a few great new features.
Below are some of the highlights of the 1.8.1 update:
- Ability to host games even when firewalled through a new metaserver proxy.
- Player pings will now be shown in the multiplayer game lobby (toggled by typing “.ping”).
- Support for Hi-DPI / Retina displays on Mac OS X and Windows.
- On Mac OS X, an improved full-screen menu experience that doesn't switch resolutions.
Update Downloads
Myth II v1.8.1 & v1.8 Credits
Core Team:
David Bregman, Windows, Graphics, UI and Core Programming
Alexei Svitkine, Mac and Core Programming
Andrew Lauritzen, DirectX 11, Improved Stats Tracking and Metaserver Features
David Reta, Updated Interfaces, Updated Mapmaking Documentation, Quality Control
Detail Texture Megapack:
Chris Arthur
Additional Help From:
Chris Arthur, Mapmaking Features
John Fernandes-Salling, Graphics Optimization Ideas
Special thanks to all the testers who helped finding bugs and testing features.