Myth II: Soulblighter v1.7.2

Note: The latest update to Myth II can be obtained here.
This page remains here for historical purposes only.
Myth II Version 1.7.2 is the latest installment in the 1.7 series of updates, bringing massive performance improvements, numerous bug fixes and several new features to the game.
Below are some of the highlights of the 1.7.2 update:
- Massive OpenGL optimizations, especially with detail textures (2x - 5x as fast on modern hardware)!
- New DirectX10/11 rendering backend!
- New event-based input system that guarantees every character typed will be registered.
- New preference to automatically save multiplayer films.
- Elimination of up to two ticks of baked-in latency in the Myth net code.
- Overhead map zoom level will now be saved between games.
- Fix for the endless "Waiting for other players..." dialog.
- Type-to-seek functionality for the new game, recordings and saved game lists.
- Restored custom plugin images in the single-player new game dialog.
- Optimized gameplay code, resulting in 30% faster save game loads.
- New high resolution icons.
- Support for high-resolution detail textures under OpenGL.
- Improvements to the in-game camera to make it feel smoother and more responsive.
- A resizable overhead map, which can be easily scaled by shift-clicking and dragging.
- A system to automatically find missing plugins, if they are available on The Tain.
- Support for high-resolution quicktime cutscenes.
- Numerous bug fixes eliminating many causes of crashing and Out of Sync errors.
- New mapmaking features to allow for interesting gameplay in 3rd party add-ons.
... And many, many more. A detailed list of changes is available here.
Myth II 1.7.2 builds upon the the strong foundation of Myth II 1.7. Version 1.7 was a feature and bug fix update, which brought exciting new features to the game, such as detail textures, smoother camera movement, an online plugin finder and more.
Some highlights of Myth II 1.7:
If you're a map maker, be sure to check out the latest guides for the updated Fear & Loathing.
Update Downloads
Demo Downloads
Myth II v1.7.2 Credits
Core Programming Team:
Alexei Svitkine, Core Programming, Linux Port
David Bregman, Windows and Graphics Programming
Andrew Lauritzen, DirectX 11 Graphics Backend
Additional Help From:
John Fernandes-Salling, Loathing Improvements
David Reta, Updated Interfaces, Updated Mapmaking Documentation, Quality Control
Rowan Davies, High-Resolution Icons & Updated Demo Epilogue
Michael Sheets, Updated Interface Graphics
Andrew Sumner, "Overrides Player Tint" Flag
Special thanks to all the testers who helped finding bugs and testing features.
Myth II v1.7.1 Credits
Core Programming Team:
Alexei Svitkine, Core Programming
David Bregman, Windows and Graphics Programming
Additional Help From:
David Reta, Tester Extraordinaire
Iain Simms, Mapmaking Features Programming
Special thanks to all the testers who helped finding bugs and testing features.
Myth II v1.7 Credits
Core Programming Team:
Alexei Svitkine, Core Programming
David Bregman, Windows and Graphics Programming
Andrew Sumner, Gameplay Bug Fixes
Additional Help From:
Mike Oldham, Programming, Website, Support Tools
Matthew Molloy, Last Minute Bug Fixes
David Reta, Tester Extraordinaire
Rowan Davies, Demo Epilogue Graphic
Special thanks to all the testers who helped finding bugs and testing features.