Myth II: Soulblighter v1.7

Note: The latest update to Myth II can be obtained here.
This page remains here for historical purposes only.
Myth II Version 1.7 is the latest result of the community-based effort to continue the tradition of improving the game. Myth II runs better than ever with accelerated hardware rendering on both Windows XP and Mac OS X platforms, while keeping support for the hardware it was originally designed for. Overall game responsiveness has been improved, and many old causes of crashing and out-of-sync gameplay have been eliminated. Dozens of annoying bugs and oddities have been fixed, making this update the most stable ever - rendering the Myth experience that much more enjoyable.
A full list of new features and updates for v1.7 can be found here. You do not need to download any previous patch before v1.7.
The demo has been been updated as well to include all the latest 1.7 features including detail textures for the playable maps.
- Support for high-resolution detail textures under OpenGL, bringing Myth's graphics into the 21st century.
- Improvements to the in-game camera which make the game feel smoother and more responsive than ever before.
- A resizable overhead map, which can be easily scaled to any size by shift-clicking and dragging.
- A system to automatically find missing plugins, if they are available on The Tain.
- Support for high-resolution quicktime cutscenes.
- Numerous bug fixes eliminating many causes of crashing and Out of Sync errors.
- New mapmaking enhancements to allow for even more creative variations of gameplay in 3rd party add-ons.
If you're a map maker, be sure to check out the latest guides for the updated Fear & Loathing.
Size | Mirrors | |
Windows Installer | 13MB |
Mac OS X Install Package | 18MB |
Mac PPC Install Package | 14MB |
Windows (DEMO) | 70MB |
Mac OS X (DEMO) | 83MB |
Myth II v1.7 Credits
Core Programming Team:
Alexei Svitkine, Core Programming
David Bregman, Windows and Graphics Programming
Andrew Sumner, Gameplay Bug Fixes
Additional Help From:
Mike Oldham, Programming, Website, Support Tools
Matthew Molloy, Last Minute Bug Fixes
David Reta, Tester Extraordinaire
Rowan Davies, Demo Epilogue Graphic
Special thanks to all the testers who helped finding bugs and testing features.