The WinAmber GUI

Here are some screenshots and descriptions of the WinAmber GUI.

New stuff for the collection window! The tabs actually work now, and I have got OpenGL working to draw the colortable. Here's a screenshot of some windows open including the maul collection with the colortable tab selected.

Exception handling! __try __except and __finally are pretty cool.
Notice I used "19 barrier device," the 274Kb version of it that is. It is broken.
Before, if you opened a corrupted tag that caused an access violation, you would have seen this(And you would lose ALL of your unsaved work):

But now you will see this.

After you click "OK", you will be able to merrily continue on with your work, like nothing had ever happend :)

Yay I finally started on the actual collection editing part. Here is the fist shot of the collection window.. not much I know but would you believe it took like 2 and a half hours to make that thing? The windows tab control is a bitch :( Here you see some tsg collections loaded. Notice there is no scroll bar yet, I havent figured that out yet, so.. um, its coming soon™

WinAmber has a built in jpeg viewer for opening jpegs straight out of myth III archives. The viewer uses jpeglib to decompress the images and opengl to display them. This means you can resize the window and it's all smooth :) It's not like amber really needed this functionality, but I was developing the opengl system for other parts anyways and it was only a 1-day deviation to include this.
Check it out:

I decided to take full advantage of the windows multiple document interface. Check it out:

More shots coming soon™