The eventual goal of Oak is to be an all purpose Myth editing suite. Support for different formats is being added one at a time. Oak supports a number of features, such as editing "Detail Textures" that were introduced in Myth II 1.7 as well as editing Myth II Collections. See the table below for other data types that are supported.
Format | Viewing | Editing | Author |
Collection | Yes | Yes | Myrd |
Detail Texture | Yes | Yes | Melekor |
Detail Map | Yes | Yes | Melekor |
Geometry | Yes | Export Only | Melekor |
Mesh | Yes | No | Melekor |
Sound | Yes | Export Only | Melekor |
Text (stil,ditl,etc). | Yes | Yes | Melekor |
Oak should work right off the bat if you put it in your myth folder. (same place as Fear, Loathing, etc)
If you decide to put it somewhere else, use the "Choose Myth Folder" from the tools menu to let Oak know where to find the tags.
Oak can load TFL .GOR archives too.
General GUI
Windows: can be resized, dragged, etc. Double clicking the title bar also maximizes. Cmd+W closes.
Right-clicking: Some things can be "right-clicked" to display a context menu. If you have a 1-button mouse, use control-click instead.
Lists: up/down/return/click/shift-click/cmd-click/mousewheel/cmd-A,pgup,pgdn,home,end,delete. Tip: Seek to an item by typing the first few characters
Grids: Cmd+mousewheel zooms in/out.
Textboxes: all the standard operations are supported, even copy, cut, paste, undo and redo! (cmd-C,X,V,Z,Y)
Tab Windows: use cmd-tab and shift-cmd-tab to cycle through the tabs. Other input will be routed to the window inside the tab.
Tag Editors: cmd-S saves. If you see a * in the title of a tag editor, that means there are unsaved changes.
f10 does the OSX like "exposé" thing.
f11 cycles through the windows you have open.
cmd-f12 copies a screenshot of the active window to the clipboard.
tab/shift+tab switches focus to the next/prev control.
The collection editor works very similar to Amber. Unlike Amber, some features are activated through a contextual menu (right-click or control-click on the Mac), rather than from the menu bar. More complete documentation will come later.
Warning: Collection Editing in Oak is currently in ALPHA. There are bound to be bugs. Please make backups of your files before using Oak.
Detail Textures
New ones can be created via the file menu.
Existing ones can be edited through the archive browser.
Once you have a texture open in the editor, try right-clicking to get the edit menu.
When you update a detail texture which is open in the map editor at the same time, your changes will be visible instantly. (New in build 107)
Detail Maps
Each Detail Map is associated with a Colormap. To edit the Detail Map associated with colormap X, you have to open the Mesh which uses colormap X.
Once you have a mesh open, try right clicking somewhere on the window. This brings up to context menu. Choose New Detail Map (Blank) or New Detail Map (From Terrain) to create a new map. Now you're ready to start editing.
~: show/hide information. (New in build 107)
tab: open/close texture palette.
f1: toggle wireframe.
f2: toggle detail textures.
f3: toggle texture highlighting.
f4: toggle between the round and square brush shapes.
f5: toggle between the vertex brush mode and the triangle brush mode. (New in build 107)
[: decrease brush radius.
]: increase brush radius.
-: decrease pixels per cell of current brush.
+: increase pixels per cell of current brush.
mousewheel up/down: also controls brush radius.
palette list: select an item to set that as the current brush.
palette list: double click (or return) on an item to edit that palette entry.
palette list: hitting 'delete' with an item selected will clear that palette slot.
palette list: shift click on a brush to lock or unlock it. locked textures cannot be painted on.
palette list: control click on a brush to toggle highlighting of vertices which use that brush.
with a brush selected, left-click and drag over the mesh to paint the texture on.
with a brush selected, shift-left-click and drag to paint, even over locked textures.
with a brush selected, alt-click on the mesh to perform a flood-fill. (New in build 107)
cmd-Z: Undo a brush stroke or flood fill. (New in build 107)
cmd-Y: Redo a brush stroke of flood fill. (New in build 107)
Camera Controls: Just like [default] Myth:
Q,E orbit.
W,S scroll.
Z,X pan.
C,V zoom.
O,P tilt. (Myth can't do this one)
Context menu only items:
New detail map (from terrain): Automatically generate a detail map based on myth's terrain type (from the mesh tag). A dialog lets you specify which terrain type maps to which detail texture. (New in build 107)
New detail map (blank): Create an empty detail map. (New in build 107)
Import/Export vertex detail: Load/Save the per-vertex detail indices from/to an external bitmap. The mapping is: 8x8 image pixels to one vertex, so that the image will be the same size as the colormap. (New in build 107)
Import/Export triangle detail: Load/Save the per-triangle detail indices from/to an external bitmap. The mapping is: each 8x8 pixel block in the image is split diagonally into two halves, and each half maps to one triangle. Again, the image is the same size as the colormap. (New in build 107)
Import highlight clut: replace the colors in the detail map with an external palette. (New in build 107)
Warning: The detail map format changed (version 1 => 2) in Oak build 107 / Myth II build 311. You will need to update your detail maps for Myth to run them. This can be done by opening them in Oak, and resaving them (cmd-S).
Version 2 adds support for a new per-triangle detail texturing mode, which is suitable for indoor maps such as 05 keep (The Baron). It also extends the format to include a color palette for highlighting, and up to 32 characters to describe each slot. The format is also designed to be more easily extended in the future, so if we ever have a version 3, you will not need to convert all your maps again.
Kinda cool but not much meat yet.
If you have lightwave, you can export models to LWO format from the context menu (right click).
Allows export myth sounds to .wav format.